

您好,关于这个问题我咨询了美国兽医,他说这种情况不严重但是需要去看一下医生确定一下是什么原因引起的 一般来说如果狗狗的乳腺肿起来而且摸起来很硬有疼痛感的话可能是乳腺瘤(mammaryglandtumor)或者是乳腺癌 但是根据你的描述应该是比较像乳腺炎 mammary gland tumor is a common benign tumor in the female dog. It usually occurs between four and seven years of age, at an average age of five to six years (Dupont et al.,2006). Most patients are spayed females but some males have also been reported. The breed-prevalence indicates that border collies appear to be most affected by mammary tumors. However, these types of tumors can occur with equal frequency across all breeds of dogs 乳腺肿瘤是女性狗狗常见良性肿瘤,通常发生在4~7岁之间,平均5~6岁(杜彭等,2006年)。大多数患者已绝育的女性但也有一些男性也报道了这种疾病的存在。 品种发病率表明边境牧羊犬似乎最容易受到乳腺癌的影响。然而,这类肿瘤可以在同一时间出现在所有品种的狗身上

In clinical practice, we see many different shapes and sizes of mammary masses or nodules。 Some masses consist solely of fibrous tissue, while others contain cysts filled with fluid, solid nodules, or tumors. In terms of size and shape, some masses look like a single large balloon而其他含有黏液囊肿、肿块或肿瘤。就大小和形状而言,一些肿块看起来像一个单一的大球体。 While some cases show no symptoms, most cases develop gradually over months or even several years until obvious swelling or deformity becomes apparent on physical examination (Dupont,1998). Generally speaking, there may not be any pain or discomfort associated with this condition。 However, if pressure from a developing mass causes nipple retraction, it is possible for the patient to experience some mild discomfort when licking their chest after a warm bath. If the mass grows much larger, it could become uncomfortable because of the stretching and distortion of surrounding structures such as skin and ribs。 Therefore, veterinarians recommend removing the mass if it appears very large, painful, or disfiguring. 在有些病例中没有任何症状,大部分病例逐渐发展数月甚至几年直到明显的肿胀或畸形在体检时显现出来(杜彭,1998)。一般来说,这一状况可能与任何疼痛不适无关。但是,当来自发育期的压力引起乳头回缩的时候,患者在温热浴后舔舐胸部时有可能会感到轻微的不适若肿块生长得很大,由于周围结构如皮肤与肋骨等的伸展扭曲可能变得很不舒适。因此,兽医建议,对于体积较大、疼痛剧烈或有明显畸形的肿块应进行切除

The prognosis varies according to the type and stage of cancer. For example, early stage breast carcinoma has a better prognosis than


应该是肿瘤,要去医院看看哦! 不过我家狗最近也是这种情况(4个月大小),然后我查了好多信息之后去咨询了一家医院,医生说是正常的生理发育过程,并且会自行消失的。 所以现在就是顺其自然啦哈哈~希望对题主有帮助呢~祝好哒!
